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TFL: Travel For Life

TFL Travel For Life

In 2019, Langtons Junior Academy was awarded Gold Accreditation under the STARS scheme. We are proud to say we have been able to retain our Gold Accreditation status since then, most recently in October 2023.  This accreditation will remain valid until 2026.


TFL STARS has now been rebranded to become TFL Travel for Life. Whilst there may some changes to the current scheme, the main message remains the same, to promote safe, active and sustainable travel for all members of the Langtons Junior Academy community.

As a school we recognise the importance of healthy, sustainable travel both now and in the future. The benefits of this are not just for the pupils and staff of our school, but for the local community and area as well. By encouraging more use of these travel methods, we can help improve health for future generations and reduce the impact of pollution caused by our travel choices, on our planet.

Our school keywords are: Respect, Responsibility, Resilience.


We believe our travel plan shows :


RESPECT - for ourselves by encouraging healthy travel choices

RESPONSIBILITY - for the wider community by promoting travel choices that have a better outcome for our planet

RESILIENCE - by encouraging all members of our school community to persevere in their better travel choices, even though sometimes it might be difficult for example; we might need to learn a new skill, such as riding a bicycle.


We recognise that as a school we need to continue to develop new opportunities to encourage all members of our community to make better travel choices. To that end, we intend to introduce new initiatives, such as a Bike Club, run by staff. We also hope to work closely with Langtons Infant School, to deliver a joint, co-ordinated message about safer and more sustainable travel, to all students, parents and staff at both schools.

To promote healthy habits, reduce traffic congestion, and minimise air pollution, we kindly request that parents and carers consider more active or sustainable methods when dropping off or picking up children from school. Whenever possible, please choose walking, scooting, cycling, or using public transport as your preferred travel option.


If you must drive, please ensure that you:


Park Legally: Follow all parking rules and restrictions.

Park Safely: Use proper parking spaces and avoid obstructing traffic flow.

Do Not Block Driveways: Avoid blocking school entrances or residents’ driveways.

Prioritise Pedestrians and Vulnerable Road Users: Be mindful that pedestrians and vulnerable road users should take priority, as outlined in the Highway Code.

Switch Off Your Engine: When you are stationary please remember to switch off your engine.


We ask you to be kind and considerate to our neighbours, treating their homes and streets as you would want yours to be treated. Please do not park on driveways or create obstructions. Your cooperation is essential in maintaining a safer, cleaner, and more respectful environment for everyone in our community.


Thank you for your continued support!


Anti-idling Workshop

On Tuesday 4.2.25, Years 5 and 6 watched a presentation about the air pollution caused by car engines idling when stopped. They found out that in just one hour, 150 balloons worth of polluted air can be produced by just one car engine idling when stopped. Even more concerning was that children are at most risk of developing health issues from this because they are closer to the source of the pollution, due to their height. Our TFL Explorers Ambassadors and our Eco-warriors spoke to some people whose cars were idling outside the school. Most of them did not realise the dangers to children as a result of idling and all of them were very happy to turn off their engines once the children had explained. As well as causing pollution, idling for longer than 30 seconds is actually illegal and can attract an £80 fine - another good reason to switch off your car engine whilst waiting. 

FREE! Adult and family cycle training.

The London Borough of Havering is offering fully funded cycle training to adults and families for anyone who lives, works or studies in the borough, please see below for further information.

On Friday 10th January, Years 5 and 6 were treated to a presentation  by The Riot Act. The children were invited to conduct an investigation into two road accidents. They heard witness statements from those involved and were able to ask questions. They were guided through the process by an 'accident investigator' who gave them extra information about the accidents. At the end of the session, the children were asked to say who they thought was most at fault for the accidents and I am pleased to say that a large majority of the children agreed with the accident investigator's findings.

Our pupils took away some valuable messages about road safety, in particular, how pedestrians need to be aware of their own behaviours, especially when crossing the road. For instance, it was decided that in one of the accidents, a teenage pedestrian was  knocked down by a cyclist, because they were using their mobile phone when crossing the road and didn't see the approaching cyclist. As many of our older pupils walk to school by themselves, we hope that this production will help to keep them safe.

